
Showing posts from June, 2023

Euphoria(the pursuit of Happiness)_ I'd rather stay spent

                " Restlessness and discontent are the neces sities for progress"   Often times than not, we get carried away with the feeling of euphoria or momentary happiness over certain things at a particular point in our lives. It could come from the littlest things; a new job, a roof over our heads, a lover ❤, a few good friends and family, etc.. & I know u might be asking, "what's so wrong with that"? I would love to tell you- nothing, that its absolutely fine, but that would be a catastrophic lie! Why? Because the state of constant rest or inertia leads to a lack of innovation and mediocrity. At that point we fail to discover the difference between living and just existing. Existing is a state of not adding value to one self nor environment, but just surviving on vibes and whatever fate throws at you. Living is the act of obtaining fulfillment and peace by being an existing force of value and substance. A valuable person constantl...